Legislative Highlights

Human Trafficking
The bill that I am most pleased with is Senate Bill 75, which cracks down on those involved in human trafficking. The bill passed both chambers with unanimous support and was signed into law by the governor.
I have another bill to fight against human trafficking that would have been introduced this year if the coronavirus restrictions had not shut down the General Assembly. Our youth should not be subjected to material that is not appropriate. This bill would reduce that risk.
Film & Television
My first bill to pass both chambers and be signed into law by the governor was the Motion Picture and Television Development Commission.

Drug Prevention
I was proud to author the Delaware Youth Drug Prevention Curriculum Task Force resolution, which recommends the best course of action to convince our youth to stay off of drugs. I want to see evidence-based drug prevention curriculum in all our schools.

Pain-Capable Act
I was able to get my Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act into a committee hearing, but could not get the needed signatures from the committee members to bring it to the floor of the Senate. I will try again to protect children in the womb from D&E abortions.

Right to Know Act
My Women’s Ultrasound Right to Know Act would require doctors to offer mothers the opportunity to view their unborn child through an ultrasound, before making a decision about abortion. Women would not be required to view the images. This bill did not make it out of committee, but I will try again.

Other Key Legislation
Since being in the Senate, I have sponsored or co-sponsored around 90 bills, all but three of which passed.
I supported the rights of law-abiding citizens to own weapons for hunting or protection and I supported a bill by Senator Dave Lawson to set aside money to secure our schools to protect students from violence.