Bryant Richardson for Senate
Legislation does not solve problems created by a culture that is in decline. We have to work on rebuilding the culture, starting with families and individuals, then our laws will have more meaning and be less necessary at the same time.
We became the greatest nation on earth because of individual initiative, not by allowing the government to control us. If we recapture that spirit and allow God to lead us, we can once again restore our state and nation.
You can't eliminate all risks in life, but you can take reasonable actions to protect yourself. Government should inform us, even warn us, but not try to control our every move.
I want Delaware to be first again, first in career opportunities, in academic achievement, and in preserving our God-given rights of life and liberty.
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Order says males may no longer play in girls sports
On Tuesday, Feb. 5, President Donald Trump signed an executive order “to protect opportunities for women and girls to compete in safe and fair...Learn More
SAFE Act brings attention to the transitioning issue
In early February I released a bill for co-sponsorship titled the SAFE Act. The SAFE Act, would prohibit gender transitioning drug treatments and...Learn More